2nd FEROSA Stakeholder Platform
The 2nd FEROSA stakeholder platform was convened virtually on 23 March 2021. The stakeholder platform was attended by over 60 delegates from 10 African countries, namely: Botswana, Ghana, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. There were also international participants from the United States of America (USA) and France. Participants included representatives from national governments, regional organisations, universities, private sector, non-profit organisations, the Africa SDG Labs and the Future Earth Global Secretariat which was represented the Acting Executive Director, Dr Josh Tewksbury.
The stakeholder platform sought to discuss, consult on and make decisions on the following issues: validation of the FEROSA situational and needs analysis study report; the Future Earth transition at the global level and its implications for FEROSA; FEROSA’s Bid for hosting the Global Secretariat Hub; and FEROSA’s five-year Strategic plan. The report can be accessed here
1st FEROSA Stakeholder Platform
As part of the consultation process for finalising FEROSA’s five-year strategic plan for the next five (5) years (2021 – 2025), FEROSA hosted its regional stakeholder platform in Pretoria, South Africa from 13 to 14 February 2020. The purpose of the FEROSA stakeholder platform was to communicate the work of the FEROSA Interim Steering Committee (ISC), present the FEROSA operational framework, consider the nominations for, and constitute the FEROSA Steering Committee and to solicit inputs for the development of the FEROSA five year strategic plan.
The stakeholder platform was attended by over seventy (70) delegates from (11) African countries. The countries represented were: Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Participants included representatives from national governments, regional organisations, universities, private sector, non-profit organisations, and the Africa SDG labs. Future Earth Global was represented by the Paris Global Hub Director, Dr Sandrine Paillard.
A key highlight of the meeting was the presentation of the FEROSA operational framework. The operational framework proposes a research agenda that will within the mission of Future Earth, incorporate regional and global priorities. The operational framework will anchor FEROSA’s five-year strategic plan.