A REGIONAL Centre for Future Earth: Addressing Regional Specific Challenges posed by global environmental change and identifying just solutions and opportunities for a transition to global sustainability through three main strategies that include Research, Networking, and Resource Mobilization, and People and Partners.
The Future Earth Regional Office for Southern Africa (FEROSA) is hosted by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa and has a Southern Africa regional remit.
FEROSA’s mandate spans sixteen (16) countries in the Southern Africa region. FEROSA is managed by a Secretariat and a Steering Committee composed of members from the region.
FEROSA Global Hub Hosting
In line with the Future Earth transition process of a transformed and inclusive governance structure, Future Earth launched a call for the Future Earth Global Secretariat Hubs on 1 February 2021. The deadline for the Global Secretariat Hubs was 1 May. However, this is a rolling call, and the opportunity for other regions or national entities to join remains. The NRF has therefore submitted an expression of interest to host a Future Earth Global Secretariat Hub and the process is underway.
Situational and Needs Analysis of the Sustainability and Environmental Research Landscape in the Southern African Region
The Future Earth Regional Office for Southern Africa (FEROSA) appointed Allegro Global to conduct a Situational and Needs Analysis of the Sustainability and Environmental Research Landscape in the Southern African Region to establish both internal and external factors that may determine its form and function in the region. This study targeted stakeholders from countries such as Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, the Kingdom of Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The study also provided FEROSA with evidence to help establish a niche within the regional sustainability research and innovation landscape. It also guides the FEROSA Steering Committee in establishing a unique and regionally inclusive value proposition for the institution.