Ninad Bondre
Managing Editor
Ninad Bondre is the Managing Editor of Elevate Scientific, a science communications company based in Sweden.Ninad was the Senior Science Editor and Advisor for the International Geopshere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) from 2009 through 2015. Before that, he was an associate editor of Nature Geoscience, the highest-ranking journal in the multidisciplinary geosciences.Ninad's interests include the science and politics of climate change, climate communication, gender and the Anthropocene. While working on IGBP's final synthesis, he sought to take the Anthropocene concept outside its biophysical confines by collaborating with social scientists and humanists. He continues to engage actively with diverse academic and non-academic communities to explore the many dimensions of the Anthropocene. He has published several blog posts and research articles on this topic, and in December last year he chaired a "Great Debate" Union Session at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting.Ninad holds a doctoral degree in geology from Miami University, Ohio, USA.